Nashville, TN & Beyond.
I have a passion for wellness; from good food to natural skin care products, the sky is the limit! I travel all over the world with my hubby, blogging as I go and I would love for you to follow along!
This is what the end of my pregnancy looks like, lots of sitting on this big blue ball and drinking all sorts of tea. This tea specifically is a “red date tea” – once I hit 36 weeks I started drinking it daily (as it’s best to not consume this any sooner). In your […]
8am: good morning! My body typically wakes me up around 8am. Usually I lay in bed for a little bit scrolling through emails and social media before getting up. what I would like to do: eliminate the morning phone scroll and replace it with something more productive 8:15am: make a juice. Lately I’ve been switching […]
Why I gave up Coffee for Tea it’s hard to know what is up and what is down nowadays – one day you’ll read an article that coffee is good for you and the next it could be the cause of early death. So what is the truth with all this contradictory information out there? […]
Who knew Nashville could be so healthy? When I first moved to Tennessee I was worried about what sort of healthy options there would be for me (especially moving from a place like Seattle that has SO many healthy eating spots and activities). The more I explored the city the more I realized how many […]